Major Activities
Formulation of basic policies for the robot industry and realization of industry aspirations
The Association formulates basic policies and programs designed to promote the development of the robot industry, and develops vision statements for the industry. The Association also lobbies for the creation of government policies and to encourage research and development into robots and promote greater use of robots and the introduction of preferential measures that provide tax breaks and financing for this purpose.
Industry promotion
The Association is actively involved in a range of promotional activities including research and survey reports, robot industry journal, press releases, and a website on the Internet.
The Association also stages two exhibitions - the International Robot Exhibition and the Electronic Manufacturing Process Technology Exhibition - to provide a forum for the presentation of new products and technology.
Market surveys
The Association conducts surveys on ordering, production and shipments of robots and robot systems.
Promoting standardization
The Association promotes standardization in the robot industry by drafting Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS), preparing JARAS (Japan Robot Association Standards) and conducting deliberations on ISO/TC 184/SC2.
Promoting research and development
The Association identifies salient research and development topics and issues in the robot and robot system industry, and promotes research and development.
Promoting personal robots
The Association, in conjunction with the Personal Robot Council, helps to promote research and development of personal robots and encourage greater usage of same by developing suitable strategies and programs and studying ongoing trends in technology and research and development.
Promoting construction robots
The Association, through the Construction Robot Research Council, plans symposiums on construction robots, participates in international symposiums in this subject, and carries out studies related to such robots. The Association is making efforts to increase the efficiency of symposiums related to construction robots, to promote R&D in this field, and to conduct international studies and activities to encourage the use of such robots.